Thursday 29 September 2016

Happy-Making Packaging Designs

Every time you get on the internet or turn on the TV you see something depressing.  I guess I shouldn’t say every time, but it sure feels like that.  There is so much less media circulating about hopeful and uplifting stories, so packaging supplies don’t even stand a chance.  Wait, what?  I am here to combat all of the negative media and show you some truly uplifting packaging designs.  You might think I’m kidding, but I’m not. 

  A coffee cup lid that holds two sugar packets and two creamers would make even the coldest heart feel a little bit warmer.  So here are a few different thoughtfulpackaging designs and creative packaging supplies that are just plain old clever and, well, heart-warming:

  • Cardboard cord packaging that can tear off into strips and be used as cord ties
  • Cardboard egg cartons, complete with handle and cute little tag held on with string
  • Geometric juice boxes that fit together and come in a bag.
  • My favorite type of packaging supplies are the kind that incorporate the elements of the packaging: like the gift bag that shows a woman jump-roping with the handle of the bag.  Can you guess who kind of business uses this design?  If you guessed fitness, you would be correct.
  • Cardboard sleeves that tear off under each individual piece of pizza.

  • A large pastry box that also has cut outs and can be used as a drink holder at the same time.
  • Humorous designs that incorporate the product and tell a joke, like the paintbrush packaging that uses the bristles of the brush to look like a mustache.
  • One of my favorites is the butter that has a wood top to be used as a butter spreader.
  • Sometimes, the more useful the packaging the more apt someone is to buy the product.  For Instance, I would buy toothpaste that comes with a perforation at the other end, so that I can use as much of the toothpaste as possible.
  • Some fast food chains have designed compartmentalized packaging that makes eating on the go so much easier.  Which deserves a huge thank you from everyone that uses it!  

  • Being different is always better in the consumer industry.  People are more apt to take risk on different designs that draw them in, like origami microwave popcorn.  It’s just popcorn, but it’s so much cooler.  
  • Last, but certainly not least, my favorite design of all time was packaging for a certain kind of wine that came apart in the middle and became two separate wine glasses.  That’s just plain genius.